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  • 2023: Our year wrapped up

    2023: Our year wrapped up

    Wowee! 2023 has certainly been a whirlwind 12 months for Sage x Clare, in the BEST kinda way. Such a massively busy and exciting time as we scale up our...

  • Heart-to-Heart: With Laurinda Ndenzako

    Heart-to-Heart: With Laurinda Ndenzako

    Meet Laurinda Ndenzako, designer and co-founder of Collective Closets, a conscious Melbourne-based fashion label. Taking a wander through Laurinda’s Hoppers Crossing abode, we knew we had met a kindred spirit....

  • How to declutter your bedroom happy

    How to declutter your bedroom happy

    Do you ever find when your bedroom is untidy or cluttered, your quality of sleep or general sense of well-being can suffer? At Sage x Clare, we’re BIG believers that...

  • Goldie - Behind The Scenes

    Goldie - Behind The Scenes

    As I flick through my camera roll and look back on the memories, it honestly feels like a lifetime ago now that we captured our spring/summer collection… I mean how...

  • Heart-to-Heart: With Samantha Elliston

    Heart-to-Heart: With Samantha Elliston

    Meet Samantha, our 10th Birthday art competition winner! It’s safe to say we were immediately captivated by her entry (when she submitted it back in July). Ohhh how Sage x...

  • The one and only, Jemma Bell

    The one and only, Jemma Bell

    Our next journal guest needs no introduction - it’s my twin sister Jem who is not only my best friend outside of work but we’re lucky enough to work together...