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Turning your house into a home

Turning your house into a home

Phoebe Bell |


How do you write your own story in a house that is filled with so much history? It is a challenge often many face when moving into a home – the struggle to create a home that is a reflection of your own personality when it already has so much of its own. This was the challenge owner, Geraldine, had to come to terms with when she fell in love and purchased this beautiful two storey house in the suburbs of Ghent (Belgium). 

Built in the sixties by architect Gaston Rombaut as the perfect home for him and his family, the walls read like an open book. Instead of trying to change the skeleton of the home that was left after Rombaut passed away, she decided to leave the house intact only making a few cosmetic changes – “We cleaned the walls, repainted the white surfaces and we only changed the flooring because we had to”. 

Geraldine’s key in transforming  the house into a home is to accessorise, accessorise, accessorise! Similar to the Sage & Clare philosophy she has incorporated indoor plants, flowers and textiles to add warmth to every room throughout the home. If you’re struggling with transforming your house into a home just remember P.F.T (Plants, Flowers, Textiles) and you will be surprised what a difference incorporating these three things will make! xx 

Images via Bart Kiggen 

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