It's as if the year has been crawling by at a painfully slow pace at times and yet here we are... in December... wondering how on earth that happened?! I oscillate somewhere between being the resident Grinch at this time of year - the run up to Christmas in a small biz can be cah-razy and then there's just all the other pressures of entertaining and gift-giving amidst a particularly fatiguing year.
But then again, I do love the sense of magic in the air. I love the scent of pine in our home (we always, always go for a real tree!), the glittering fairy lights as the sun goes down, the promise of family holiday adventures, the excitement of the kids each morning when they get to open yet another window of their advent calendar, the coming together of friends and family (something we've all missed so much this year), and, yes, even the Christmas carols... provided it's the right mix.
In honour of the holidays and the season for gift-giving, we've put together a list of fun, thoughtful and, most importantly, lasting gift ideas in the hopes it'll make your shopping that little bit easier.
Sleeping Beauty
For the ones that love the snooze button (almost) more than life itself.... Yeah we feel you. If it weren't for the kids bounding into our bed most mornings, we'd be very well acquainted with the ol' snooze button too.
1. Theo Check Pillowcase Set - Peach Soda
We've been told... Once you pop you can't stop. We're talking about our linen in case you were wondering ;-) This yarn dyed pillowcase set is so luxurious to sleep on and takes the humble check to new heights. We la la luuuurve this peach soda colour way for Summer - so fresh.
A mash up of all of our favourite signature hues of the season, this gorgeous melange number will happily become your new BFF - take her from the bed, to the sofa, to the sundown drinks deck and she'll most happily oblige. Oversized pom poms - and when we say oversized, we really mean it - give her the happiest pops of festive fun.
We get it... trying to choose linen colours is like trying to choose between pasta and cheese. No can do. But, if there's a shade we can really get behind, it's our chambray. Worn in, vintage looking and, are we allowed to gloat and go so far as to say 'the best g-damn denim colour there is going round'? We don't know a gurl or guy that doesn't love it. And is it soft you ask?! As a baby's bum.
4. Peach Puff Quilt Linen Cover
As if the name doesn't speak for itself, seriously. We're particularly peachy keen for this quilt cover.... In fact, it's on my bed right this minute. Delivering the luxury of French Flax Linen with this glorious pastel hue, we guarantee that little miss Sleeping Beauty will be rid of of the snooze button in favour of no alarm altogether. Hey, don't blame us if she misses Christmas lunch entirely.
We're right into rituals... As long as it doesn't involve waking at 4am for an hour of journalling :-) An intoxicating perfume of Lavender, Marjoram and Thyme, this bedtime buddy will challenge even the busiest of minds. A favourite to pack in our travel bags as this nighttime ritual isn't one we want to give up easily.
Home Maker
For the ones who love a home makeover challenge, without the paint or a hammer… Now you’re speaking our language! Fluffing cushions and draping a throw is far more enticing.
Oh Remy, you're nostalgic in all the right ways... Boy scouts meets summer camp meets mid century modern. If you're looking for that extra special gift - and one that'll add impact in a heartbeat - then look no further than a handwoven wall hanging. A piece designed to be loved and to last.
2. Bloom Wild
We are *so* on board with this book - a celebration of florals in a more-is-more kinda way. This richly layered book will get the word 'inspo' flying around more than Santa's name itself. Full to the brim with colour, free-spirited design and pattern on pattern on pattern - your home-obsessed loved one will be most thankful for this gorgeous gift.
Animal print always is and always will be an enduring favourite in our books... and in the books of every design icon we can think of! For under $100 this supremely soft, jacquard knit cushion even comes with a luxurious feather insert for even the fussiest of home decor enthusiasts. Even the husbands/boyfriends/dads/brothers will comment on the comfort factor here.
Retro inspired and in shades of Pear, Peach and Olive (mmm, I think we were hungry when we were deciding on colour names), this guy will warm the hearts - and bodies - of those in favour of soulful homewares. A bestseller from our latest Alegria Collection and at a generous 150 x 220 cms size, we can most definitely see why.
Zen Master
For the ones that start their day with an “Oooooommmmm”. Or an hour of meditation. We all know them, and, let's face it, we all want to be them. I'm rocking around with the nickname 'Tornado' ATM so something tells me I've got a loooooong way to go.
Probably a good place to start is right here... a down-to-earth and practical guide (tick tick) to learning meditation... and transitioning away from being a gazillion miles an hour to being more mindful - can someone puhlease explain what that word actually means? And if all else fails, we're right into the pink and red colour combo and will happily stare at that all day too :-)
If you've somehow missed us waffling on about the magic of oil cleansing with our Vita Waffle Face Washer (pun intended) then you're forgiven. But just this once. These bad boys sell out quicker than Jude unwrapping his presents on Christmas morning. Soft, absorbent and, gee willy whiskers - those colours!
3. Rose Renewal and Frankincense Firming Fluid
Did someone say the words 'renewal' and 'firming'? Ok, where do we sign up?! We've literally been searching our entire adult lives for a skincare range as magical as where this came from (that'd be Living Libations) and we can seriously attest to the effectiveness of this wonder product. A perfect companion to the warmer months.
And while we're on the topic of waffle face washers and oil cleansing and Living Libations being the best ever, let me introduce you to Best Skin Ever. It's a toner, a moisturiser, a cleanser, a babysitter (ok, that last one is a lie) but you catch our drift right?! Honestly, it is the bees knees and will see you do away with a complicated skincare routine in favour of a simple regimen that works. Available in Rose as well as Seabuckthorn, Sandalwood and Frankincense.
It's hard to put a finger on why we love this book so much... It's not a self-help book nor is it a memoir, although it could have easily fallen into either category. In a year of darkness we love what this book brings - love and light. A title we'll return to over and over and one that'll take pride of place in the home library.
6. Happy Society Loose Leaf Tea - Self
When we're not getting silly this SILLY season, we're happily indulging in a quiet moment sipping on delicious herbal tea. Hand blended by a nutritionist, it'll help to keep those adrenals in check and the immune system firing. A welcome antidote to the other not so wise choices we may or may not make these holidays :-)
Up and Go-er
For the ones that can’t sit still. We’re looking at you, Dad. And, to be really honest, the apple doesn't exactly fall from the tree. With a life motto of 'get sh!t done', it's not surprising we really do get a helluva lot done in a year.
Don't let the words 'Bath Sheet' mean this baby gets relegated to the bathroom only. This waffle bath sheet will go from the bath to the pool to the beach in a quick minute and we're all for its softness, absorption superpowers and light weight... Because our idea of fun is most certainly not trudging heavy wet towels back to the car after a day at the beach.
What's a true summer without planning where to go in this adventure playground we call home? This book evokes days of summer, that quintessential Australian spirit, and the way that swimming spots bring communities, families and friends together. You'll be obsessing over where to swim next.
3. Everybody Loves Sunshine Oil
From our all-time-favourite skincare brand Living Libations, this sunshine oil not only smells like summer but it's all about harmonising with those life-giving sun rays (responsibly of course). We love working this into our day, popping on in the morning to catch the golden glow before things really heat up.
If you're not familiar with the brilliant biz mind of Fiona Killackey... then really... you should be. We've read many a biz book and come away feeling either completely overwhelmed (just a little too much information and acronyms) or none the wiser (it's all fluff) - but this book finds just the right balance with practical advice and activities. And what a gift - truly - we wish we'd been given a book as heartfelt and educational as this along our biz journey.
Style need not be impractical! And for the true 'up-and-go-er', this sweater brings design, comfort and practicality to the fore. In a retro-inspired design that one customer likened to Gucci (oh yes daaahhhling), this cutie is becoming a wardrobe staple. Along with the other designs too.

Everyone In Between
1. Tula Nudie Rudie Bath Mat - Christmas Edition
Seriously, a crowd pleaser if we ever did meet one! For the young, the old, the boys, the girls, the good friends, the acquaintances, the kk's, the impossible-to-buy-fors. A gift that really will put a big smile on any dial.
Last Minute Larry
1. Gift Card
And, we mean the term endearingly... promise. We've all been there (or should I say are there?) - it's suddenly days before Christmas and we kinda just missed all the emails about Christmas cut-offs... so they weren't talking about denim shorts after all :-) Our gift cards are a much-loved gift that doesn't involve dashing to the shops at 11.58pm on Christmas Eve.
SO there you have it! A round-up of honest to goodness pressies. See the full gift edit here.
With a whole lotta love xx