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Team Sage x Clare: Reflections.

Team Sage x Clare: Reflections.

Bonnie Kelly |

If I could tell my younger self a piece of advice? I’d say: perspective is everything, be reflective, never stop learning AND don’t be afraid to have vulnerable conversations. 

Every single week in our team meeting now, we begin by going around the circle and sharing something we’re grateful for - whether that be something that’s brought us joy, a realisation or a lesson. It’s become a ritual that I *really* look forward to each week. In fact, we allllll look forward to. 

Not only has it allowed us to get to know each other more but it always leaves me feeling incredibly inspired for the week ahead. It makes me feel more human, happy and connected. It reminds me of what’s important. So as we head into another snap lockdown in VIC (& as many are still in lockdown), I thought it’d be nice to share some recent + uplifting reflections from our wonderful team… 

Jem - Design + Production Manager 

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Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

It’s taught me to let go of the things I can’t control - I can’t say I’m 100% there yet, but I definitely realised I wasn’t quite as easy going as I thought I was. Lockdown also taught me how great it is to have no commitments! I feel like every family should have one weekend a month of pyjama days, venturing only as far as the letterbox and time to just be together, at home, without anything to do.

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Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? 

Hanging out with my daughter Nelly and husband Macca! Just going for walks and getting outdoors, even when the weather is terrible, it really lifts me and brings me a sense of calm and happiness.

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sage x clare

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work? 

This is a tough one… I feel like with working from home, every time we get ordered into lock down is really hard mentally. It feels as if you spend so much time on a screen - for every interaction, personal or work related. I often find myself needing no Netflix at night, no music, no conversations with the husband (sorry Macca) but just time to let my mind be not stimulated! Having said that, I’ve started ceramics classes and it’s a really hands-on, meditative way to switch off but tap into a bit of creative stimulation.

5 things you can’t live without? 

My open fire place. My Thermomix. Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt. My family. Trackies!

Aus - Customer Experience Manager 

Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

That I’m more resilient than I believed. I have an inner world of turmoil, but I have shown great strength through the lockdowns and that has been an important step to loving myself a little more.

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Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays?

Above all else, family. And, as much as everyone is probably sick of hearing it, basketball. Getting to coach and play basketball has given me such joy and afforded me some privileged opportunities. Basketball has given me more than I could ever repay.

sage x clare

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work?

I’m currently studying, so that keeps my mind active. Outside of that, curiosity. With three little kiddos, I try to stay curious about things so I can see the world through their eyes and maintain a sense of wonder.

5 things you can’t live without? 

Family, books, films, weightlifting, and (once again) basketball.

Erin - operations manager 

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Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

That I can quickly adapt, but also that I internalise stress more than I even thought! To find a healthy balance in life, my husband & I started doing early morning walks to start the day off with some movement, which has helped. And that we really, really miss having our dog (she passed away a few months before the pandemic started). We need to get another one soon because I'm missing that companionship so much. She showed me unconditional love everyday and she was such an amazing emotional support for us in tough times. And, that we need to explore every chance we get - we took a few short trips as things opened, before they closed again

Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? 

I don't feel like it has changed dramatically because despite lockdowns, I still had a really busy schedule that - outside of working from home for periods of time - didn't change all that much throughout the last 18 months. I think I have gained an even greater appreciation for time with family (mine is all overseas) & understanding that my body also needs rest more than I often allow myself to take the time.

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work? 

Podcasts! And reading. Sometimes insta, I try to follow accounts that will also expand my knowledge, provide a new way of seeing things, challenge me to be better...amongst all the beautiful design accounts also!

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5 things you can’t live without?

Coffee is number 1, it is such a ritual for me that I look forward to every day. Otherwise, it's time with loved ones and exploring new places.

Loz - warehouse team 

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That time Loz coordinated her #OOTD with the Naomi Tufted Cushion.

Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons?  

Oh wow, many things! Lockdown has taught me that it’s really important to slow down. Its actually the thing I miss most about being in lockdown and the thing I’ve tried to cling on to. It’s important for my mental health. It’s important for connections with my loved ones and especially with my kids. I took a social media/screen break during lockdown 2020 and that, combined with the slow pace, had a really profound and positive impact on so many areas of my life. Creatively, parentally, and self nurturing being the top 3 that spring to mind. Also, needing less. Not being able to just pop to the shops made me realise how much I consume without really thinking about it. It led to a big clean out/declutter (which is still ongoing). I definitely learnt that I enjoy having less. It makes me feeeeel better about not only my surroundings but also my personal environmental footprint. Quality over quantity baby!

Oh and human connection. Hugs are ace. Friends are awesome. I need both more than I thought I did!And lastly I learnt that I will never enjoy either running or baking. Life lessons? Be kind to people. Be grateful for what you have. And don’t try to fix your bike basket while actually riding your bike. You’ll fall off and break your bum bone! 

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Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays?

Getting out in to nature every day is legit SOUL FOOD! For me it’s usually for walks or bike rides. We literally live in the treetops in leafy Eltham. Often going for a walk with the kids and collecting sticks and kindling for the fireplace at home, even though they whinge a bit at first they end up loving it. If only Eltham had a beach. I’d be set!

I love, love, love photography and can’t help snapping photos of raindrops on grass, dew drops on cobwebs, random feathers, dappled light, budding eucalyptus flowers, whatever fluffy creature I’ve come across, it’s endless! I photograph everything. Can’t stop won’t stop! I’m super creative and visual so having a little project on the go makes me happy.

Weaving, as in wall hangings, has been a big one for me over the last few years. And drawing and painting. And tinkering with my house and making my surroundings just the way I like it. Always got a little interiors project on the go!

And my friends! The hardest thing about lockdown for me was missing that human connection. Hugs are the best! Laughing until I can’t breathe with my girl gang is the best!!!

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sage x clare

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work?

I try to read as often as I can. I joined a book club to try and motivate myself, but I’m often the one who hasn’t read the book! My daughter has additional needs and I’ve just completed a 12 week online course about her specific diagnosis. And surrounding myself with likeminded creatives I find incredibly motivating and inspirational!

5 things you can’t live without? 

Hugs and cuddles from my kiddos, time to myself, music, op shopping & my bed (covered in gorgeous S x C linen!). 

Marty - warehouse team 

sage x clare

Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

Tolerance and appreciation. People have been affected and disadvantaged to varying degrees and we have all had to deal with it as best we could. For me, a period out of work underlined my desire to make a change in my working life and to actually make that desire a reality. I’ve learned that I’m perfectly capable of accepting new challenges and developing more skills. The restrictions have certainly highlighted the importance of being able to come into work and enjoy the focus and human contact. As important as ‘me time’ is, ‘team time’ is equally invaluable, if not more so. The daily coffee run, even the grocery run; there is a lot to be said for those also.

Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? 

Joy is a strong word but being happy at work is such a blessing. It’s so uplifting to be in a positive daily environment and be surrounded by great personalities. Family time seems extra special now and seeing the youngest members of the extended family grow up and have experiences is priceless. There is no better prize in life than watching our little boy learn something new or discover something fun. We can live vicariously through his innocence and possibilities. Throughout the whole pandemic I have been able to escape every Saturday to the local market with my little man. It’s been invaluable bonding time, mental release and stability. An opportunity to go grab a bowl of ramen or check out a record store now becomes a goal and a small price to pay for some personal rebalance.

sage x clare

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work?

Music. It’s my religion, my therapy, my greatest passion. You have to have a passion for something. It’s going to wake you up and tuck you in at night. It’s going to motivate, inspire and comfort you. A passion for something helps your mind and body breath. I am constantly researching, listening and absorbing music new and old, with the same passion, if not more, than I had as a wide-eyed kid. 

sage x clare

5 things you can’t live without?

My wife and my son. I’d have no focus, no anchor and no drive. My desire to go to Japan again; it encapsulates so much I’m passionate about. Full cream milk; I struggle to pass the fridge without the crafty slug. Oil of Ulan! I’ve moisturised since I was a teen. How else would I still look so glowing and youthful! Music; if I can’t hear the music I can’t keep moving.

Mim - graphic design + production assistant 

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Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons?  

I'm more patient and resilient than I thought I was.

Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? Meditative tasks like cooking, running, yoga, knitting and sewing. Also the sun brings me a lot of joy.

sage x clareThe knitting craze is taking over the office! Mim's latest project.

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How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work? 

I guess I try and learn by doing. Trying new things and challenging myself.

sage x clareFeatured: Prudence Woolen Blanket + Lulu Cotton Pillowcase 

5 things you can’t live without?

Friends + family, my bed, spotify, flares, soda stream

Tegan - Wholesale Customer Service 

sage x clare

Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

It has taught me to really appreciate the little things! Time that we can spend with friends and family feels a whole lot sweeter. I also learned to slow down, and be kind to myself, realised that we can’t control how everything turns out and that's okay. 

Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? 

Just the simple things - big hugs from my gorgeous niece and nephews, spending time with family, a cup of tea with my mum, dinner and drinks with friends that isn’t via Zoom. I have also found more joy in the time I have for creativity, life has slowed down a lot these past few months and it is easy to get into a creative rut. So using that time for art and creative projects has been amazing… although I think my poor partner cringes everytime I bring home a new piece of beat up furniture that I believe that with some love “will be AMAZING in our house!!" 

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sage x clareUmm wowww! What a clever cookie, are you taking orders Teegs?

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work? 

Audio books and podcasts are a big part of that! I love to listen to things that I don’t know much about. Have also been trying to upskill in new creative techniques which has been fun!…anyone else get weirdly into puzzles during 2020?…Just me?

5 things you can’t live without?

Peanut Butter, copious amounts of caffeine, lounge wear, movie nights snuggled on the couch and any kind of cute Reel/content that includes dogs.

Lou - warehouse team 

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Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

Lockdown has taught me to really take in the things that are right in front of me, giving me a new appreciation for my home town.  I’ve been so grateful to be among the trees and fresh air.

Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? 

Finding new music to listen to, making art, writing songs, skating in empty car parks with my kids, brunch and hiking with friends.

sage x clare

How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work? 

I paint. My house is full of art supplies and half painted canvases! And I’ve done a few online courses in things like tattooing and portraiture. Art is great for stimulating my mind but also for calming it. I’m also reading a book about edible weeds! Check out more of Lou's art here.

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5 things you can’t live without?

Oat lattes, hiking, my favourite blanket, my kids and my friends

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... and last up? Me. 

Phoebe - Founder + Director 

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Times have changed so much the past year & a half - what has lockdown taught you about yourself? Life lessons? 

Lockdown has taught me that I can adapt and be like water more than I ever imagined. That problem solving is a great strength of mine. That I can have a baby in the middle of an outbreak + a long, harsh lockdown and still remain calm and strong for my family. That my kids are freaking incredible - I'm not sure I every reallsaw that before. That past tough times need to be confronted. That mind and body are one and the same. That you've gotta be the gatekeeper for what you let into your pysche - that's meant being discerning about what I watch and listen to. That I'm incredibly lucky to live where I do. That I'm not the extrovert I thought I was. That we need to think less about 'me' and more about 'we'. And that online shopping is life ;-) 

Priorities and how we spend our spare time has also changed, what brings you joy nowadays? 

Days at home with my family, adventuring in the garden or going on walks in nature right outside my home in beautiful Warrandyte. Looking out the window and seeing a kangaroo in the shrubs or a parrot coming to say hello on my deck.

Cuddling up on the couch to watch a show while working on my latest knitting project with a cuppa' in hand - I recently watched Succession & loved it. Lastly, I'll never everrrr take moments in the office for granted again - I love the hilarious and honest conversations I have with my beautiful team on the daily. 

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How do you stimulate your mind and learn more outside of work? 

1. Podcasts - currently listening to The ImperfectsDare To Lead (Brene Brown is freakin' incredible), and How's Work? with Esther Perel

2. Reading - currently reading My Year of Living Vulnerably by Rick Morton. And just started my latest book club read, Libertie, by Kaitlyn Greenidge 

3. Netflix - I'm watching Dream Gardens on ABC and getting sooo many ideas for my own landscaping projects. 

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5 things you can’t live without??

My family, Happy Society essential oils, my knitting, Living Libations skincare and bed linen... who woulda' thunk it hey?

This is just a tiny snippet of the beautiful conversations we’ve begun having together as a team and I hope it's prompted you to think about those small pleasures or moments that bring you joy each day too. Xx

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