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Goldie - Behind The Scenes

Goldie - Behind The Scenes

Bonnie Kelly |

As I flick through my camera roll and look back on the memories, it honestly feels like a lifetime ago now that we captured our spring/summer collection… I mean how is it almost time to put up the Christmas tree? Absurd! We did things a bit differently this season and decided to release Goldie in three separate chapters. Why you ask? To keep things fresh and exciting! The way we see it, more Sage x Clare surprises sprinkled throughout your year can only be a good thing. And this new way of releasing collections meant splitting up our photoshoots across a few months instead of the one big shebang.  

Photography: Armelle Habib, Assisted by Sarah Wilkosz

Styling: Team Sage x Clare

Hair & makeup: Melonie Santos 

With thanks to our prop partners: House Of Orange, The Family Love Tree, Pop + Scott, Ubabub, Ikos Home, Alba AtelierInartisan. 

Come join me for a behind the scenes throwback across all three Goldie photoshoots! 

10 most memorable moments

Sage x Clare

Sage x Clare

Couch: House of Orange. Shop lounge here.

Sage x Clare

1. A rainbow emerged across the sky the moment we arrived

As we began unloading the truck full of props, this felt like a sign from the universe that it was going to be a memorable and colourful photoshoot. Then we got to work! The first day on a photoshoot is always a little chaotic. Unloading the truck, deciding on the best spaces in the house to shoot particular patterns, working out the lighting and finding our groove as a team. And it doesn’t feel like a Sage x Clare photoshoot until Armelle and Sarah step foot in the building. Gosh we love these two (very talented) humans. We kicked off the first day with that dreamy green velvet couch from House Of Orange and some bedroom scenes. It was a successful start to the week. Go team, GO Goldie.

 Shop this complete look here.

Shop lounge here.

Shop this look here.

2. The sun came out to play... and we met Daisy!

Ok it might not seem like a big deal that the sun came out but it *really* was. Urmmm take note of the name of this collection people… G-O-L-D-I-E! Thus, the light was meant to be golden and warm - depicting balmy summer days. Buuut instead it was nothing but dark grey skies. Did I mention it was freeeezing too? We were beginning to think we’d have to re-name the collection to gloomy. HA just joshing. Thankfully Armelle can work her magic on the images regardless of the light… rain, hail, or shine she gets the shot. One of my favourite photos was captured on this day with the lovely Daisy in front of the iconic Hills Hoist clothes line (see below). 

 Shop bed linen here, shop apparel here.

Shop sleepwear here.

Shop pillowcases here. 

Shop our cotton sleep range here, shop rugs here.

Couch: The Family Love Tree, Ottoman - Pop + Scott, shop lounge here.

3. A visit from Mum & Dad! 

 Not many people can say Armelle Habib captured their family photos. It was so special to have Mum + Dad stop by and jump in a dine scene with the kids. Now, sadly we didn’t get to share many of these pictures on socials because you went bananas for the Digby Table Cloth. Dad was there and cracking his usual Dad jokes and had everyone in stitches… felt like the old days! 


 Shop dine here.

4. Kids + baby with Nelly, Poppy & Heidi 

Although I find the kids + baby photoshoot days incredibly stressful… watching these little cousins giggle and pose together always makes us smile. They’re total professionals these days… Nelly has got all the right moves. It was a proud moment for Jude (and I) to see his bear drawing up come to life on our products. My little Heidi girl is currently OBSESSED with all things makeup, so she was very impressed by Mel’s makeup kit. Poppy also graced us with her presence in between naps for a few short moments… she's the spitting image of Heidi. They could honestly be twins. In my opinion, the kids + baby collection gets cuter with every season, I was so proud of this one! Check it out here. 

Shop kids apparel here.

Shop our kids + baby collection here.

Cot courtesy of Ubabub, shop kids + baby here, shop apparel here. 

Shop kids + baby here, shop kids apparel here.

5. Amber’s hair 

That's it. That’s the highlight. How incredible are those curly locks? We loved getting to this wonderful human for the day and she embodied the character of Goldie so effortlessly. It was exciting seeing our apparel up close and styled to perfection by the team. There were many screams of excitement from the team when they spotted the new lounge wear sets... the new HQ uniform!

 Shoutout to the hair + makeup wizard herself, Melonie Santos. 

Shop Goldie apparel here.

6. Kangaroos skipping around in the backyard 

The scenery, wildlife and rolling green hills at this home located in Hurstbridge absolutely deserves a mention. Lush green hills as far as the eyes could see and  if you squinted your eyes you could see dozens of brown kangaroos grazing in the distance. The views from every window inside this home were spectacular… particularly at sunset! We were very envious of the home owners.

The best bunch of humans! #TeamSageXClare.

Shop this look here. 

7. Food, food, food 

Fuel is of the utmost importance on these photoshoots and we neverrr go hungry. Shoutout to Erin for ensuring we’ve got snacks for days (and an endless supply of coke) and beautiful lunches + dinners! It’s no easy feat feeding a large group of people. I really do cherish the moments we spend together chatting over a meal on these shoots. OH and I almost forgot to most exciting food moment - Erin gave us a lesson in s'mores by the fire and yes, they were de-lishhh. Mmmmm!

Shop our dine range here.

Say hello to Ally, the styling Queen who has a photographic memory of where everything is! We'd be lost without her.

8. Team hangs by the fire pit and a visit from a friendly fox 

Because this photoshoot location was pretty close to home for most of us, not everyone stayed on location this time. So in order to keep the photoshoot team bonding alive, we dedicated an evening to catching up and sitting around the fire. Shoutout again to Erin for organising this… we appreciate you. Then we stupidly started telling scary stories in the dark by the fire (how could we be so silly?) and suddenly we felt like someone was watching us. AND THEY WERE. Dun dun dun. A very curious little fox that got extremely close to us and stayed there for yonksss. And by yonks I mean about 10 minutes. There’s two kinds of people in this world - some of us found it cute and some of us were scared and ran inside. Ha ha. 

9. Christmas in July 

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree! It was still only July at the time we captured our final Goldie chapter (the holiday range) and yet somehow I felt like Chrissie was just around the corner. We had lotssss to get done in these two days but the team smashed it as usual. After countless photoshoots together now, we really are a well oiled machine. This two day photoshoot really had us excited for the summer months ahead and of course, the festive season!

Shop the holiday range here.

10. New resin 

We are just so incredibly proud of our beautiful resin range and it was a highlight seeing it styled with the Gather collection. Our resin has become pretty famous within our community and we had been receiving so many DMs from you all begging for new colours! It was hard holding on to this secret for months and what a relief when we could finally reveal all the new hues. 

Explore Goldie here.

With a whole lotta love xx

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