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From Above

From Above

Phoebe Bell |

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As our monthly mantra states – “Once a year, go some place you’ve never been before”… How’s that for some words to live by from the Dalai Lama?!

I often catch myself dreaming of my next overseas adventure but also looking back to all the incredible places I’ve been in my short 30 years. My travels through Vietnam are some of the fondest memories I have… I must admit, I landed into Saigon expecting Vietnam to be much like the rest of Asia but it turned out to be so much more. Instead, it was a culinary adventure, a rather moving history lesson, a melting pot of architecture from French colonial mansions to Japanese merchant houses, and a country of breathtaking beauty across its varied landscapes. Gosh, take me back!

This is perhaps, besides the obvious colour and stunning photography, why I was so taken with Loes Heerink‘s photo series of vendors from above. Each perfect snapshot, a moment in time in the life of the humble street vendors of Hanoi’s old quarter. I love the simplicity yet poetic composure of each shot – a reminder to stop and take in life’s fleeting but utterly beautiful moments.


Imagery via Loes Heerink. Prints and book available for purchase online.

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