Having a bad day? Well here is a little something to warm the cockles of your heart!
Women in a village near the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre in northern India, have been extremely busy knitting super size onesies to protect these giants from this year’s freezing winter. Yes, you heard it right – elephants can get cold!
While we’re sweltering down under, these beautiful creatures are being wrapped up in the most magnificent onesies I ever did see. And trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of onesies of late with 9 week old baby Jude. Can you imagine how long it would take to knit one of these babies?! I can barely finish a scarf!
Discovering this little gem of a story has uplifted me in more ways than one – especially at a time when the world feels particularly harsh and turned upside down. Not only is there a magic in all that colour and artisanal creation, but my love affair with India deepened and my faith in the love and kindness of the human spirit restored. X
P.s. After looking a bit further into the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre, we discovered that you can sponsor your very own elephant as well as making a donation to help turn their goals into a reality. Perhaps something worth thinking about…
Photography by Roger Allen