This house located in Antwerp, Belgium, has quite an extraordinary love story with its owner Wilbert. As a student Wilbert used to board here and spent his summers helping the owners restore the place to its once former glory. During this time, he admits to learning so much from them about aesthetics and how to nurture plants – he fondly describes them as ‘garden architects’. So, when the owners told Wilbert of their plans to sell, he didn’t hesitate in buying this urban oasis immediately!
The city dwelling was built in the 19th century and all original tiles, paneling, ceilings, mantelpieces and staircases have been preserved – maintaining a classical charm that renovations never quite capture.
Although parts of the house look to be quite dark, this darkness contrasts perfectly with the vibrant green of the plants that are festooned around the entirety of the home. One plant has even grown so much that it has climbed its way from the indoor dining area on the ground level to the terrace on the first floor!
I’m so inspired after stumbling across this story that I’m now on the hunt to find a second-hand bath tub to fill with plants at home! Don’t mind the jungle next time you pop over for a cuppa! xx
Photography by Bart Kiggen. Words by Magali Elali.