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Behind the Scenes: Linen Photoshoot

Behind the Scenes: Linen Photoshoot

Kelly Berghella |

Location: Private home, North Warrandyte, VIC

When: August 2020

What: A photoshoot, to celebrate our refreshed + revamped 100% French Flax Sheet Hot Linen Range and our three new linen colours; Cashew, Tan + Peach Puff!

Who: Team Sage x Clare - Erin, Jemma, Nat + Georgia; Photographer, Armelle Habib, with Assist, Maki LeVine 

With thanks to: Lighting, Lights, Lights, Lights; Tables, Coco Flip; Bedhead, CCSS

With no thanks to: COVID-19 lockdown measures ;-)


Getting to the point of this photoshoot *actually* happening (and, let's face it, 2020 as a whole!) reminded me of the story, 'The Little Engine That Could'. If you recall (or perhaps you're lucky enough not to have read this story for the gazillionth time), it goes something like:

"I think I can - I think I can - I think I can - I think I can."

Up, up, up. Faster and faster and faster and faster the little engine climbed, until at last they reached the top of the mountain. 

Yup, the best part of the year has felt a lot like this simple plot line, hasn't it? Us, just wishing and hoping, wishing and hoping, that we can eventually achieve a seemingly small goal we set out to do way back in Jan.

After three failed attempts, just as Melbourne got further news of yet another lockdown, we squeezed this long-awaited linen photo shoot in. We felt both incredibly unlucky and lucky all at the same time.

But, what a joy this photoshoot was to be a part of. I can't say I've ever been prouder of my team's determination + problem solving skills in making this shoot *actually* happen - such a testament to their tenacity + work ethic. 

*Images courtesy of Photoloco

It was supposed to take place in Gippsland, at a most beautiful bushland hideaway (don't worry, we're still coming for you, one day!). First the bushfires, then a global pandemic lockdown, meant we had to re-think the whole thing.

And then bingo... I remembered the most ah-mazing original MCM home just a hop-skip-and-(in my case!)-a-hobble from my house in leafy North Warrandyte. Now, this is a home that I've long since admired after having a good little sticky beak at it when it went to auction last year (yes I'm a nosy parker). I've been scheming up how I can befriend the new lucky owners so I can invite myself over for tea... and of course, just stare at their home, again. On second thoughts, perhaps I could book in a photo shoot instead? Admittedly, a far less creepy option. So book it, we did. 

It wouldn't be a behind-the-scenes of a photoshoot without the obligatory ironing shots now, would it? With twelve (yes twelve!) colours to shoot in pillowcases, quilt covers and sheets there sure was plenty of ironing to do. Our resident ironing lady, Nat, (jokes, we don't really have an ironing lady!) gets an MVP award for her 2-days straight of non-stop ironing....... We hope your shoulder has recovered finally Nat?! Thank you and sorry. 

And it wouldn't be a photo shoot without good ol' Melbourne weather throwing a few curveballs in too. With not a cloud in the sky, we lovingly + carefully lugged all the furniture from this room, out onto the (protected) deck so we could set up the bed for styling. Just a few short minutes later: an unanticipated downpouring of rain meant we quickly hauled it all back in again. Great. Just great..... We're pretty sure photo shoot stands for DOUBLE HANDLING.

It certainly wasn't any ordinary shoot either. Aside from the So.many.beds. So.much.steam. So.much.beautiful.soft.linen (that we all just wanted to curl up in and sleeeeeeep!), we stood our 2 metres apart from one another, in masks, with the scent of alcohol (and we mean of the sanitising kind) wafting through the air. For a crew that's worked on many a shoot before, this one was surreal. 

It was also Heidi's first outing. Her photoshoot initiation begun in earnest. She was most unsettled throughout the day, having only previously thought the whole world consisted of my bedroom and my lounge room #covidbaby. To her surprise, there was a whole wide world out there of people, and irons, and beds and pillow-fluffing. It was all a bit much. Imagine what she'll think when I eventually take her down to the local IGA ;-)

*Peachy put on *the* most delectable spread: delish salmon pea tart! SCONES! Wraps! CURRIED EGGY SALAD! All the good stuff!

Although we were all most definitely photo shoot unfit and quite seriously exhausted at the end of it, we agreed it was *so* nice to get out + about and be surrounded by nature, drinking coffee 'til it ran out (thanks BEAT Coffee) and do it all in this wonderfully, warm + cosy house. Particularly on the eve of the strictest and longest lockdown our city was about to enter into.

And, we gotta say, we're prouder than ever with the results. It doesn't just mark our foray into new imagery, new-and-improved linen, and new colours. It marks the beauty of home, the celebration of teamwork, and the solidarity we felt in achieving this one small, and at times, impossible goal.

Whilst planning seems like a rather futile exercise at the moment, and our next photo shoot is weaving a similar, winding path (I think we're up to plan F now, with still not a single image captured), I have my everythings-crossed that we can bring you more of what we love soon. Wishful thinking?! Touchwood please. ALL the wood! xx

*Looking to spruce up your bed? Take a squizz at our Sheet Hot Linen Range - the softest 100% French Flax Linen there is.

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