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sage and clare |

To the Victoria Beckham fans reading this, you may want to stop because what I’m about to say may offend you…

I JUST DONT GET HER STYLE! I don’t get it. She always looks so damn uncomfortable trotting along in the highest of high heels strapped into straight jacket level tailoring, taking teeny tiny steps because that is all her hemline will allow. Are you doubting me? Fine – for evidence look here and here.

I know this blog is usually about things I do like, which leads me on to celebrating the humble tee as part of my Back To Basics movement. Side note – Can it be called a movement, if it only involves me? Mmmm, maybe not. Anyway, I’m not a big believer in suffering for fashion, and I believe the best looks can be achieved with a loose-fit cotton tee. Sorry VB, but you could look just as good in a slouchy tee and jeans AND be comfortable, walk normally, bend down… You get my point.

Images via Bassike, Style by Kling, Pinterest, Wolfcub, Convoy, Studded Hearts, and Fashion Me Now

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